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Annual Christmas Dinner Show Ad info and how to

Competition Package Video for Review


August 31, 2024

Letter from the Director

Hello Ladies!


I wanted to go over some quick information with you about next week:

  • No rehearsal on Sept 3 (Board meeting instead at Broulims upstairs at 6:30)

  • Sept. 4 Sing National Anthem for the Chukars game. Meet at 6:15 by the tree in front of Melaleuca Field. Wear Red Vest, White Pants, White Shirt, Sparkly Earrings, Heavy Street Make-up, RED Liptstick! (the RED lipstick is a MUST) Also wear your medals that we earned at competition. 2nd Place Small Chorus and 4th Place overall! That is a FANTASTIC accomplishment!

  • We will go to Paije's house right after we sing and have a chorus potluck. Paije is doing Hot Dogs. We will need to bring the side dishes to share!

  • Barbershop Rendezvous on Sat. Sept 21st. from 4-7, we will need to arrive earlier than 4 to set up for our guests, probably at least by 3:30 p.m. I think Brenda and Stephenie said they would supply the pulled pork and I will bring rolls/buns! Joy is organizing the potluck items so we will have a variety! So be prepared to tell Joy what you are going to bring! Keep inviting people, I invited 10 more people today and I also checked in with Thomas and the Rexburg Carousel Chorus and Richard with the Idaho Gateway Chorus in Pocatello. 

  • We are scheduled to sing at Fairwinds on our regular Tuesday rehearsal, Sept. 24th at 6:30 so we will need to meet at 6:00. Please tell me right away if you are not able to be there so I can figure out it we will have enough people on parts, if not then I will have to call her back and cancel and I really don't want to do that! We will talk about all the other details later, but I MUST know who is going to be there. I will be preparing a performance from the songs that we have been working on. We may do all of them or some of them just know that it will come from the songs on this list.

Possible Songs: One Song at a Time, Sing and Celebrate, Come On and Sing, San Fran Bay Blues, Feelin' Groovy, Love Letters Straight From Your Heart, Tootsie, Amazing Grace, God Bless America.

I would love to do Bring Me Little Water Silvy but we do not own the copyright for that song yet so we will not be able to do that one at this time, but keep working on it because there will come another opportunity to perform it. We will start rehearsing our Christmas Songs as soon as this performance is complete. But PLEASE do not ask for that list right away, as you can see this email is already going out late and I have spent many hours prepping for other chorus events, coaching sessions, scheduling various chorus activities and writing this email up to this point. I will work on the Christmas song list soon! Thanks for your understanding. But you can look for your Christmas music and start getting it ready.


We need to start thinking about who we might sell poinsettia's to, that time is going to be here before we realize it. It is a great fundraiser for our chorus and not too hard to do. Lucia will have more info on that soon.


Festival of Trees is right around the corner for us and I have turned in our request to sing on Tuesday, Nov. 19th but they have not confirmed that date for sure with me yet. However, I am pretty sure it will work out for us. 


Our Christmas Dinner Show is Friday, December, 6th. The plan is to wear our Blue Sparkle Costumes for this show, that is why Rachel has asked you to send her a picture of you wearing it. Please do that right away so we can do planning for the costumes and carry out the project that it will entail. I know all of you do not have that costume yet but that is why we MUST know how many we have to start with before we continue.


Now the last thing I wanted to bring up is to let you know that I have posted our competition video on our chorus drive! Please watch it at least 3-5 times! That's one of the things I have already been doing. I promise you it will help all of us to get back up to par with our level of singing this competition package. Make sure that you not only practice the notes, words, breaths, dynamics etc but the choreo as well. As you are watching you will notice that we really were not consistent with our faces and our authenticity of the story of our song! The only way we can do that is to be completely solid on our other aspects of our music. Yes there are sync errors that we MUST fix in order to earn more points as well. The score sheet also said we needed MORE ENERGY! I know it always feels like we are doing that but they ALWAYS want MORE!! We still have more work to do, in order to go above 500 points! But we can do it!! Let's start wearing our medals to EVERY REHEARSAL from now to competition. I want you all to remember that you earned these medals and we can earn some more!


If you think I forgot something please let me know.


Thank You Ladies! I appreciate all you are doing to learn and prepare our music and other tasks and duties for our chorus,


IFACC Harmony 500 Director

 *I reserve the right to make make mistakes - after all, even superheroes trip over their capes sometimes...and the right to change my mind, because even superheroes need to switch up their strategies! 


August 28, 2024

Rehearsal Announcements

Here’s a recap of our announcements from last night.


1) We will NOT have rehearsal next Tuesday, Sept. 3. Instead, the board will have its September meeting that day, at 6:30 p.m. at Broulims


2) We will meet at 6:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, at Melaleuca Field to rehearse before we sing the National Anthem for the Chukars at 7 p.m.


3) After we sing the National Anthem, we’ll go to Paije’s house (2370 Tasman Ave) for a potluck get-together!


*PLEASE NOTE* we have someone with a severe food allergy in our chorus, so we should avoid bringing dishes that contain nightshades.


Click below for a list of common nightshades.




August 24, 2024

International Board of Directors

This fall our chorus will be asked to elect three members to serve three-year terms on the Sweet Adelines International Board of Directors beginning May 1, 2025.


We’ll plan to vote between October and November, so you have plenty of time to acquaint yourselves with the nominees before then!


Please click here to see the nominee biographical information and photos,


and click here to view Frequently Asked Questions about the election process.


Once our chapter’s votes are tabulated, we’ll use SAI’s online voting service to cast one ballot for our chorus.


Please let me know if you have any questions!



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