Diana Dahl
Jul 8, 2024
Board of Trustees
July 8, 2024, Black Bear Diner, Idaho Falls
Board of Trustees
July 8, 2024, Black Bear Diner, Idaho Falls
Attendees: Katie Fritz, Alana Butikofer, Rachel Saline, Diana Dahl, Lucia Ratliff. EXCUSED: Cheryle Spencer. Guest: Sara Carney, Stephenie Barber.
President Katie Fritz brought the meeting to order at 6:14pm. The following corrections were made to the June 10, 2024 minutes: a) date of Barbershop Rendezvous is September 14, not in August, b) Joy had not yet been asked to help organize the Rendezvous, and, c) Rachel will make copies of the Music Contract and distribute it to chorus members. Upon a motion made, seconded, and approved by all, the minutes were approved with amendments.
The agenda was approved with a motion made, seconded, and approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: International and Regional dues have been paid through June and July. Rachel has a meeting upcoming with Laura, previous treasurer, to finish transition of duties.
A 990N will need to be filed with the IRS for non-profit organizations making less than 50k a year.
The annual audit was completed and filed with the chorus secretary’s minutes.
WAYS AND MEANS REPORT: There was a lengthy discussion regarding the Christmas show in December, catering, etc. More details will follow as they are confirmed.
It was decided not to participate in the Yard Sale at Hillcrest High School, due to the late date.
MEMBERSHIP: There was discussion on ways to invite potential members to chorus through social media; Facebook, etc.
Another idea for recruitment was to offer free voice lessons though the consensus was that this method should be used in early spring.
It was also suggested that the Idaho Falls Music Club should be contacted regarding scholarships for young people.
SHOW: Stephenie reported that she had contacted 4 caterers for quotes:
North Highway - $17.95 for one protein, $19.95 for two proteins; includes plastic ware and linens.
Broulim’s – 9.50 one protein; no plastic ware, linens. Includes delivery.
Billman’s – Ham & turkey, $17.95, includes delivery; no linens, no dessert, includes service ware.
Simply Delicious - $19.50 plate for two proteins, $1.50 for plates & delivery.
Stephenie said that the committee has booked Billman’s.
Stephenie also working on advertising for the program. Lucia is working on a script for members to assist with their approach to prospective advertisers and they are hoping to have a contest among members for most ads sold.
MARKETING/COMMUNICATIONS: Sara is working on a link through Amazon that will earn the chorus a percentage of income based on the amount of member’s purchase.
Board of Trustees
July 8, 2024, Black Bear Diner, Idaho Falls
Short term goals she is working on are as follows: Posting about Town & Country gift certificates, Terri Lyn nuts, Christmas in July (ads), Barbershop Rendezvous.
Long term goals include show ads, possible parade route 2025, Barbershop Rendezvous.
Sara also said the website is updated and would be advertising open auditions at certain times of the month.
PRESIDENT: Katie reported that the Region 8 chorus evaluation was completed and returned. She is also looking to have a meeting of the Finance Committee in the near future.
SMALL SUMMIT SCHOLARSHIPS: Region 8 is offering two $50 scholarships to members from each chorus to attend the Small Chorus Summit in August. Currently Sara, Rachel, Lucia, and Stephenie will be attending. In order to obtain $25 for each attendee, Rachel and Lucia will register for the summit. Once the $50 scholarships have been received, they will distribute $25 to Sara and Stephanie. (OPEN)
MUSIC CONTRACT: The music contract is ready to go and will be distributed to all chorus members for completion and return to Rachel. (OPEN)
P.O. BOX: The chorus P.O. Box will expire in August and mail will go to Alana’s address. (OPEN)
BARBERSHOP RENDEZVOUS: The Barbershop Rendezvous is scheduled for September 14, 5-7pm. Friends and family are invited to attend.
Joy is in charge of delegating members for food, silverware, guest book, name tags. (OPEN)
LOVE GIFTS FOR QUARTETS/CHORUSES FOR INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: After a short discussion it was decided to purchase cards for those competing at International Competition for distribution at Small Chorus Summit. Alana said she would ask Joy to write up an ‘Applause, Applause’ for the entrants, which is a collection of morale building sayings and uplifting jokes. (OPEN)
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Diana Dahl, secretary ________________________________,
Katie Fritz, president __________________________________