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Board of Directors May

Diana Dahl

May 13, 2024


Board of Trustees

May 13, 2024, Broulims Meeting Room


Board of Trustees

May 13, 2024, Broulims Meeting Room, Ammon

Attendees: Katie Fritz, Alana Butikofer, Rachel Saline, Cheryl Spencer, Lucia Ratliff, Diana Dahl. Guests: Liz Walz, Christine Ng.

President Katie Fritz brought the meeting to order at 6:15pm. Upon a motion made and seconded, the minutes from the regular meeting held April 29, 2024, were approved.

Upon a motion made and seconded the agenda as presented was approved.

DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Alana reported the following upcoming performances:

May 27: Field of Honor on Memorial Day.

June 4: The national anthem for the Chukars game.

June 22: Nuart Theater in Blackfoot. The theater is requesting the chorus be present for two dress rehearsals prior to the performance on June 22. Rachel will call regarding the request.

There is a small chorus workshop hosted by Region 8 in August, Greeley, Colorado. Alana is hoping members of our chorus can attend.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Rachel reported that during the transition from Laura to herself, Laura will still have the password to the software to be able to answer any questions presented.

Since the chorus adopted a $50 one time costume fee in 2021 there were 8 members that joined. In April 2024 the Board voted to assess a monthly rental fee to cover costumes. Those 8 members that paid the $50 will have the amount credited back to their accounts.

One member had all but $5 of local dues paid through the Angel Fund for the last couple years. It was decided at last month’s meeting that Jill would speak with her regarding the situation. No action had been taken and it was decided that Katie would speak with her.

As mandated by SAI the annual audit was performed by Laura, Rachel and Katie. A report will be provided to the Board at June’s meeting.

SECRETARY’S REPORT: Diana reported that the secretary of the chorus is unable to make chapter information changes to the SAI website; only the president, director, treasurer, and membership chair are able to edit chapter information.


WAYS AND MEANS:  Lucia accepted the job of Ways and Means chair. Current fund raising projects the chorus is involved in are as follows:

Terri Lynn nuts, online nut sales, year round,

Poinsettia sales through Town and Country, holiday season,

Gift certificates through Town and Country,

Christmas show, bake sales, auctions, etc.

A few additional ideas offered were a) Krispy Crème Doughnuts, b) working concessions at Mountain America, c) Red Robin.

MEMBERSHIP: Katie has been updating various membership information including New Member packet and handbook. It will all be uploaded to the Chorus Google Drive.

Katie is looking for a Marketing Chair, someone who would also take care of the website and Facebook accounts. Sara’s name was raised, and Katie will ask her.

PRESIDENT:  Katie mentioned that she had received a request from the Region 8 Competition Committee asking if our chorus would be interested in assisting during the 2025 Regional Competition in Cheyenne Wyoming. After a brief discussion it was decided that the task would not be feasible for our small chorus.

Katie reported that the Chorus Standing Rules have been updated and will be sent to the membership for a vote in two weeks.


COSTUME RENTAL FEE/DUES INCREASE: The recently approved $5 costume rental fee will go into effect with the May dues invoicing.


STANDING RULES/MISSION STATEMENT:  As reported, the Chorus Standing Rules and Mission Statement have been updated and will be sent to the chorus for a vote in two weeks. (OPEN)

MUSIC CONTRACT: An agreement between the chorus and each member has been created and approved by the Board. It will be distributed to each member for signature then stored with the Treasurer. (OPEN)

P.O. BOX: The chorus address has been moved to Alana’s P.O. Box to save time and money. The dues for the P.O. Box have been paid through August 2024. (OPEN)

INSTALLATION: Installation for officers and Board members will be held May 28 at Laura’s residence for a potluck dinner. Liz will do the installation. There was discussion about the presentation of awards to certain members and it was pointed out that any awards to committee chairs, etc., should come from the outgoing president. Katie said she will speak with Jill regarding the matter. (OPEN)

LOGO UPDATE: The new logo has a few minor things that need editing and Cheryl said she will contact the creator to update the format to make it easier to edit. (OPEN)

COMMITTEES: Katie tossed out a few ideas about committees. Possibilities include:

Barbershop Rendezvous, a summertime get together for present and previous barbershop singers,

Costume, Alana,

Finance, to include Katie, Rachel, Diana,


Accessibility, a resource for members needing financial assistance.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Diana Dahl, secretary ___________________________________

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