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Alana Butikofer
My Story
Alana Butikofer has been teaching Choir and Drama at Rocky Mountain Middle School for the past 28 years. She organized the first Musical Theatre program at the school which has grown to include more than 50 students who participate annually in the school musical production.
Alana is a certified High School Drama and Speech judge and has judged numerous National History Day performances as well as State Drama competitions. She was the summer theatre camp director for the Idaho Falls Youth Arts Council for four years after which she and several colleagues organized and now own and operate the non-profit organization, Ovation Youth Theatre Company. She served on the judges committee for the Miss Bonneville pageant in Idaho Falls for six years.
Alana has spent many years singing with and/or directing her church choir and congregation.
Alana has been involved with music, dance and drama for many years as a performer and director. She began her amateur singing career with her sisters performing at local and state talent competitions. Alana sang alto with the Anam Cara Chamber Choir in Idaho Falls. She has been a member of the Idaho Falls A Cappella Chorus performing and singing Bass for the past 28 years!
As a member of the Sweet Adeline’s organization; she has also served in many leadership roles including chapter president and enjoyed the opportunity to sing with Mountain Jubilee Chorus as a dual member under the direction of Tori Postma and Beth Bruce. Alana is currently singing with Bella Voce, an award winning midsize chorus in Region 8.
One of Alana’s most treasured memories of being a member of the Idaho Falls A Cappella Chorus is having the elite opportunity to perform at the 2009 international competition in Nashville, where the chorus placed 2nd internationally as a small chorus from the rural state of Idaho!
In 2019 Alana stepped off the risers to begin directing the chorus, it has been an exciting challenge for her to take on this new adventure of directing the Idaho Falls A Cappella Chorus! In 2024, Alana was awarded the prestigious Harmony 500 Director award. To be an Harmony 500 director, Alana has directed the chorus at least 1 year and the chorus scores at least 500 points in regional competition (1000 at international).​
In addition to her love of music she also enjoys spending time with her 6 grandchildren and 3 children. Alana feels her greatest accomplishment is being a single mother of three successful and talented children!
Alana receiving recognition from Rocky Mountain Region 8 of her status of Harmony 500 Director
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